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Dilluns, 20 de febrer de 2012. No et limites a contemplar aquestes hores que ara vénen, baixa al carrer i participa. Fa molt que no escric al blog, i si ho faig hui és perquè necessite expresar tota la ràbia que tinc dins de vore tot el que està passant a València. Però a quin extrem hem arribat? .
Recognize the accomplishments of your exceptional public, sc. Hool, college, community college, or university librarian.
Monday, June 25, 2012. Well, well, well. Things sure are tricky around here! I just came over here to see if there was anyone who still possibly checks this blog. For fun, I thought I would attempt to upload a picture. and it worked! Well, I did start another blog. I do believe I am crazy, but I had to keep blogging somehow. The blog will either end up back over here, or HERE.
i grew up going through those awkward stages of trying to find yourself like everyone else.
Friday, December 19, 2008.